Asking Permission to Elope
Kin you imagine little Mary Jane, now 16 and wise in the ways of the world (some of them, anyway), coming to the startling conclusion that her life would be so much better if she were free from her mean, grumpy old daddy who never lets her have any fun at all, so when Rufus, the local dufus, suggests they ought to run away and get married, she goes straight home and asks her daddy for permission to elope.
That is precisely what a simple citizen in Louisiana has recently done, with his petition for permission to secede, according to World Net Daily. He filed it the very day after the election. However, he just might be dumb like a fox, as we say. Mary Jane, for example, has a chance that her daddy will be so happy to see her go that he’ll say something brilliant like, “Here’s a hunnert bucks. Don’t let the door hit you in the backside on your way out the door.” Uncle Sugar is not going to say that. He needs Louisiana oil, fish, timber, and most of all, the welfare votes that feeds the System. It would be too much to let such a lucrative concern just walk away, as if it were free.
The Calf B Café
Whenever I can I like to drop in at the Calf B for an overpriced cup of coffee. It’s not the coffee, which is passable, it’s the company. They got this big old round table in the side room where the locals will be gathered in the event that it’s “too wet to plow”, or “too dry to plow”, or “too cold to plow”, or “too…”, well you get the idea. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s very serious war planning. But it’s never dull.
From time to time a stranger manages to find a seat among us, usually as a guest of one of the locals. Some years back one of them commented on the broad array of experience and “country wisdom” he heard at that table, and he said we were sort of a modern version of the Knights of the Round Table. After a lot of scoffing, the debate came down to whether we were “Serfs of the Round Table,” or just the “Yokel Round Table.” Point is that none of us takes ourselves too seriously, because we all know who we are, and posturing is difficult among guys who will deflate your ego quicker than you can spit.