Political Philosophy from the Kingdom of the Insects
Do y’all know the story about the Boll Weevil and the Bean Weevil? In the Kingdom of the Insects, once upon a time, (and this happened in Texas, I’m told), there was an election held to see which bug could be the Insect King of Texas. The grasshoppers had a big following, as did the crickets. But the Boll Weevils in West Texas – Cotton Country, even though they were small in size, numbered in the many millions, and they knew they had a clear majority. What they didn’t realize was that the Bean Weevils knew parliamentary procedure and had studied Robert’s Rules of Order. When the dust settled, and the primaries were all over, the general election came down to those two cousins. The Boll Weevils knew they could win a general election against any other group. But what they didn’t know (once again) was that the grasshoppers and the crickets and the mosquitos were all convinced that the only way to stop the Boll Weevils was to vote for the Lesser of Two Weevils, and that’s how the Bean Weevils won that election.