So the Conroe Independent School District (CISD) wants me to vote YES, and sign a promissory note for a debt burden of $807,000,000? That I have to pay of with a huge increase in my property taxes? That will cost me and the taxpayers $1.3 BILLION in interest alone, over the next 20 years?
Well, I was gonna vote NO, but then I found out that $23 MILLION is to go for Astro-Turf for football fields, I just knew I had to vote YES! C’mon, people, don’t you want stadiums and football teams our student body can be proud of? What is your problem?
And another $24 MILLION for “safety and security” – even though they admit they don’t know how or where they will spend it yet – it’s just a wish list – I mean, OMG! If it saves the life of just one child, we have to have it, right? What are you, some kind of a terrorist? You want our children to die?
I didn’t see how much of a raise our Superintendent would get, but I hope it’s a big one. After all, he’s worked so hard to get the district into more debt than any other school district in Texas, and he’s not through yet! Just you wait!
Oh, I know, it’s against the law for schools to campaign or lobby or be advocates for any election, but CISD has always done it, so we have precedent, right?
They already employ the largest voting bloc in the district, and if they can sucker the parents into voting YES, then that’s a whole lot slicker than using a gun, you have to admit. Just use the power of the courts and constabulary and the Tax Appraisal District to redistribute the wealth for them!
Okay, so your property taxes are going up 61%. What are you complaining about? Don’t you know that “taxes are the price we pay for living in a FREE society?” What kind of a maroon are you, anyway?
The next thing I expect to be hearing is that you expect students know how to read and write when they graduate, and “know stuff.” Some people would complain if you hung’em with a new rope.
Just vote YES, and we’ll find out what’s in it, all in due time. If you don’t like it, you can always move somewhere else. Good golly, Miss Molly.
Peace, and all that,
PS. House for sale by owner. I can’t afford a realtor.