Recent History Reviewed
Ah wuz mindin’ mah own biznes, t’uther day, sittin’ on the porch, a’swattin’ flies and drinkin’ peppermint tea (slightly amended), scratchin’ the dog’s head now and then when she put it in my lap (she’s always lookin’ for cornbread crumbs), and lettin’ mah mind wander in the late afternoon sun.
Thankin’ back over the past few years, I settled into a reverie of the toomultoous events, and how thangs had changed. Twoudn’t none of us believed it, if you’da told us it was gonna turn out that way.
We were havin’ the normal protests by all sides of the political spektrum, which weren’t all that unusual. But all of a sudden, three thangs happened the same week.
First, the Chinese called in their debts and so crippled the US dollar that our economy collapsed, the stock market was shut down until further notice, and all the banks were closed. Those who got their life savings out of banks, soon found that the only thing those pieces of green paper were good for was startin’ fires. Of course, the Chinese economy, and ever other country collapsed at the same time.
The next thang wss the riots, and they were everwhere. They started as food riots in the cities, since most people didn’t have a week’s worth of food stored in their pantries. But those riots became race riots in the cities, and suddenly there were two hundred or more race wars ragin’ in nearly every major city in America. It was a three-way war, and nobody was safe. Martial law was swift, and while often inadequate, restored order to most of the cities, with remainin’ hot zones where nobody ventured. People demanded martial law, and they got it. It wasn’t always pretty, and books will be written on that subject.