Seven Things Husbands Should Not Do When Their Wives are Hosting Ladies Bible Study 1
If there were any perfect answer to this situation, it would be summed up in one rule, two words: “Be there.” As in, “Don’t.” The thing you should not do is to be there. Put another way, the thing to do is to be somewhere else. Out of town, when possible, is an excellent idea. Unfortunately, that’s not always possible, for a multitude of reasons. Hence, this little guide is my service to you younger and less experienced men who may need a little help in the harmony department.
Being men, not women, let us not analyze too deeply on the whys and wherefores of life, of marriage, of why women host Ladies Bible Studies, etc. They do, and being realists, we live with it, and we love them for it. Indeed, there are very few things for which we do not love them, but once again, let’s don’t go there. If we were to do so, we would regret it soon enough. So we love them for that too.2
Being men, let’s get to the subject at hand. You can, and will, come up with more reasons, maybe even better reasons. Send them to the author and receive the gift of gratitude, along with honorable edition in future editions of this little manual. (more…)