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I dropped by the feed store yesterday to fetch home some deer corn, (it being the cheapest source I can find for making corn mash likker.)

Edwin Black handed me a cigar and asked me if I’ll vote for him in the coming election as a state rep. Now, I have to say that kinda startled me, since Edwin’s been hatin’ politicians for years, calling them everything but white and saying he’d never vote again.

Ah took his cigar, (and an extra for the wife – hey, she’s old enough to vote, just barely), before asking him what’s going on? He explained with some enthusiasm that he’d had a vision, like in a dream, and that God had told him to run for state rep. Well, that’s pretty hard to argue with, so I asked him to tell me more. (I was just grateful it was his dream and not mine!)

He said, “You know how I used to say I won’t vote again until there’s a Confederate flag over the state capital?”



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